It has been over a month since I last worked on the interior so I thought it was time to get back at it as I can't rig the steering, throttle, etc. until the interior is installed.
I sanded with 220 grit and proceeded to apply a full strength batch of varnish. The weather was quite warm and the varnish was going on very thick. After I let it dry for a few days, I started to sand the wood and noticed a few "gummy" spots. I realized that the full strength varnish is just too thick. After some careful scraping with a razor blade and some more sanding, I was ready to start varnishing again.
With limited time (and space) I juggled some stuff in the garage so that I could varnish at night after work. I diluted the remaining varnish to a 10:1 ratio with thinner. The varnish went on much easier and after two days it is ready to sand.
I missed a couple of spots due to the lighting (or lack thereof) but overall I am happy with the outcome so far given what the wood looked like before I started.
The next steps are to get some 320 sandpaper, rough up the wood a bit and apply two more coats. Once the wood is done, I will attack the fiberglass work.
Stay tuned..............